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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Finding out song names

Don't you just hate it when you get a glimpse of a good song in a movie or TV series and never know what the song is called?

I have found two ways, The first, if its not heavy metal or instrumental, listen carefully to the words of the song and type it in Google with lyrics attached to the words and search for a lyrics site that has the correct lyrics and get the song name from that page.

Else if it is really catchy try to search for (movie name) background songs

Another chance could be to try and find it in the credits, which should have been your first step before the two attempts above.


  1. Best way to search is, typing "OST movie name" and it will surely come up with the list or even Wikipedia article.

  2. Thanks Ryan. You’re very correct; the methods you suggested are brilliant. Thanks so much for your time. BTW for those not familiar with OST it stands for Original Sound Track.
