I did the easy part now you do the hard part; follow dot points.
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Friday, February 18, 2011

All my Excel cells are greyed out and I can't re-colour them

If everything in Excel is all gray and you can not change any of the colours even after changing the formatting. Then most likely you are viewing the Excel workbook in "Page Break Preview", if all the cells are gray even if you have nothing in it and never used that cell, then my guess is "Page Break Preview!

GO to View > Normal View and well. that should be it.

View > Page Break Preview to make it all gray again.

Solution gathered from:



  1. LOL, thanks for this tip! was quite handy today hehehe.

  2. Hey there! Do you somehow make sure that your personal content is exclusive in the web and no other person is it without your awareness?

  3. Thank you, my boss now very impressed with my IT skills.
